Monday, January 26, 2009

A good laugh, a slight fear and a moms moment

Ok, so today or tomorrow has turned into next week. I'm new to this blogging thing and when I have nothing to say....I don't know what to post. The past week has been full of moments, full of laughter and a bit of sadness but it's one of those weeks I just wouldn't change.

My little one, 7.5 years old came out of her room last Sunday and made an announcement. She wanted her ears pierced, she was finally ready. I have been asking her since she was younger if she wanted them done but I didn't lie, I told her it would hurt. So we went the next day and I was certain, right up until she was sitting in that chair and had the guns (two girls) against her ears that she was going to back out. Imagine my surprise when she didn't back out and the next thing we knew, the earrings were in! She looked so surprised that it hurt and she cried a little, until the mirror was held in front of her (one of her favorite things, mirrors.) and she saw the sparkly flowers in her ears. She was so proud she had Daddy take a pic right there and send it to her aunt and cousins. She had me take a pic when we got home and send it out to all of our family members, she called her grandma and her best friend and she talked it up and kept looking in the mirror at her ears. You can see in the pic how happy she is with them. I had concerns about reactions, since I can't wear anything in my ear myself but the swelling went down immediately and all has been well since.

Prior to going to get her ears done, we met at McDonalds with some moms from one of my moms groups. We've been friends for years, but never met because I have anxiety issues and I'm painfully shy. It was great to meet them and their boys, I really enjoyed spending time with them and I cannot wait to do it again. Despite being the only girl, Gabby enjoyed herself alot and asked me immediately when we got into the car when we could do it again. Hopefully soon!

I was making dinner tonight when Gabby came out into the kitchen and told me one of her friends at school is moving. I asked her which one and I do know the little girl, though I don't know her mom very well. I asked Gabby why she was moving, just in conversation and nearly choked when she gave me her answer. I was standing at the stove, browning beef for dinner, chopping it up, turning it over, listening with one ear as she told me. Her answer: "Well, her mom has a friend and I don't know if it's a girl or guy, but Abby says they are moving in with them because she is sleeping with them". I put down the spatula and asked her to repeat what she said, to be sure I heard right. She looked a little scared, like she had said something wrong but I told her I just didn't hear her, could she tell me again. She did and the answer was the same. I'm certain at the age of 7, these girls don't know what "sleeping with them" means. Regardless, harmless as those words were, it made me realize what could have been asked, what might have been asked. I was going to ask her if she knew what it meant, but she bounced away and went back to playing. I called my mom, just to make sure I wasn't shocked for nothing and I heard a bit of silence after telling her, kinda even made my mom speechless and that isn't easily done! Her words were "and so it begins...". I know it's only a matter of time. I had her tell Daddy when he got back and it's being kind when I say that I had ask him to please close his jaw, because flies were going to start flying in there. His face was comical.

So, a little bit later we were sitting at the table eating dinner. I don't remember what the conversation was, but I told her when she was a doctor or the first woman president (have to set the bar high, ya know!) she could do such and such. She informed us she wasn't going to be a doctor or president, no sir. What would she be then? A police officer. Well, that's a good profession, what makes her choose that we ask? "Cause when you're a police officer you get donuts". Err...guess we'd better be sure who our audience is when there's a cop car at Dunkin Donuts next time! We told her that that wasn't a great reason for being a police officer and you don't get free donuts, you still have to pay for them. We told her all the great reasons to be a police officer, keeping the community safe, helping people, etc.

We had friends over for sledding and food this past weekend. What a great time and we can't wait to do it again, possibly this weekend....
Thanks for reading, until next time........

1 comment:

  1. Tell Gabby that I LOVE her new ears!! They sparkle even in black and white!! She looks truly happy!

    The whole sleeping with conversation is a hard one. I had a friend who split from her dh and then had a boyfriend move with her a while after that. Lainey didn't get it. I just told J and L that they were friends. However L wondered why their dad was still not living with them and well J's worset fear is that daddy and I will split. Not sure why, I think because he sees it happening all around him. That is too bad that Gabby's little friend is moving away.

    Love the reasoning on being a police officer. That is priceless!!!
